He Pūranga | Past Projects
The Swing
22 - 24 July 2022
te whaea, toi whakaari
Theatre Marae production
The Swing seeks to unravel the shame and hurt that clouds and distorts the subjects of ngau whiore (sexual abuse) and whakamomori (suicide).
As part of a kaupapa Māori community research project hosted by Massey University and Kōkiri Marae, Te Rākau worked with a group of men, women and whānau members who were sexually harmed by family members, in response-based practices, to explore ways of moving forward.
In 2022, the resulting play was presented at Te Whaea - National Centre for Dance and Drama in Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington). Attendees including kaimahi from Ngāti Toa health and social service providers, Oranga Tamariki, the Office of the Children's Commission, counsellors associations, friends and whānau.
The Minister for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence and Te Pūkotahitanga -
Tangata Whenua Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG) attended and provided their feedback.
Read more about The Swing and how you can be involved below.