He Pūranga | Past Projects
Public Works
15 - 17 July 2016
Massey University Theatre Lab
Development Season
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Development season
Prepared the work for a premiere presentation in January 2017
Introduced the company (creative team and performers) to the work
Gave the playwright the chance to see the work stood up and edit
Was an opportunity to try out casting
Was an opportunity for the creative team to develop their ideas
The development season of ‘Public Works’ at Massey University not only allowed the playwright Helen Pearse-Otene and director Jim Moriarty to dramaturge the work, but presented an invaluable opportunity for the core creatives of The Undertow project to regularly hui and discuss the overarching aesthetics of the entire series and consider how –from their respective departments – ‘Public Works’ would connect in the sequence of plays The Undertow.
Public Works is the third work in the Undertow quartet of plays. You can get your own copy of Public Works and all the plays int he series, or watch the television series online.
WILL: Matt Dussler
HAMUERA: Manuel Solomon
FLEUR: Greer Phillips
BEA: Isobel Mebus
HARRY: Ralph Johnson
Mearn Houston, Kimberley Skipper, Jeremy Davis, Noel Hayvice, Arihia Hayvice, Conor Peoples, Sam Crum, Cayden Howes, Elizabeth Schuck, Emily Salisbury, Unity Brown, Vita Mebus, Emma Bagley, Shifna Shahabdeen, Hariata Moriarty, Tamati Moriarty, Sebastian Contreras
Playwright: Helen Pearse-Otene
Director: Jim Moriarty
Producer: Aneta Pond
Stage manager/AD/Movement Director: Ian Lesa
Costumier: Cara Waretini
Lighting designer: Lisa Maule
Sound designer: Busby Pearse-Otene
Technical Co-ordinator: Sean Ashton Peach
ASM: Anthony Pan
Interns: Erin Mellor and Shannon Culhane
If you have stories, profiles, photos or interviews from this production, get in touch.
Te Rākau thanks Sean Ashton-Peach, Elspeth Tilley, Charley Draper and Massey University, Simon Vincent, Haniko Kurapa and Creative New Zealand, Helen Jones and St Oran’s College, Petra Jaeger and St Bernard’s College, Capital City Cars, Cayden’s whanau Sarah Howes and Mark Wilson, Arapata, Brenda and Haley from Te Papa Tongarewa and Ngati Toa Rangatira. Te Rākau especially thanks our company’s whanau for sharing them with us.
Funding for the project came from Creative New Zealand; The Ministry of Youth Development, The Todd Foundation, Massey University (in kind) and ticket sales.