Drama teachers around the country will hear from Te Rākau Theatre's Jim Moriarty and Helen Pearse-Otene as part of after-school professional development hosted by DramaNZ.
Te Rākau is providing four regional workshops in partnership with the national drama teachers' association this year.
Each wānanga will explore 'The Swing' by Helen Pearse-Otene, Te Rākau Theatre's approach to creating through a mātauranga Māori lens, and connection to mana whenua.
The workshops are funded by Networks of Expertise and are offered at no cost to kaiako.
The workshops offer suitable professional development for all sectors, and we welcome primary, intermediate, secondary and tertiary teachers to register.
The Kaiako Wānanga are scheduled for:
30 March in Ōtautahi (Christchurch) 11 May - Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland)
1 June - Pōneke (Wellington) 8 June - Ōtepoti (Dunedin)
Register for a DramaNZ workshop near you, or sign up to our mailing list below.