Te Rakau employs the 'alchemy of theatre'
Subtle set-ups are being laid for powerful pay-offs about how morally complex it can be to have a relationship with the gambling industry.
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Te Rakau employs the 'alchemy of theatre'
Made with a heart-melting level of care
A carefully considered and expertly crafted experience
Confronting the truth to inspire positive action
Powerful, profound, haunting, healing: a must see
Kaupapa 'engaging at every level'
The Land Never Forgets: A Review of The Undertow
'A theatrical event like no other'
Fluid, intense, gentle, threatening, transformative
Ten Moments in Wellington Theatre 2016
'Bigger and better' – Dog & Bone
Elqouent and insightful: A richly wrought weave
Richly textured, insightful, humurous, sobering and energising