Dec 1, 2021"Hinenui Te Pō is a light in the darkness”This article discusses the performance of pūrākau in research on incest and childhood sexual abuse.
Dec 3, 2020Decolonising theatre and ensemble training in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Te Rākau Hua o Te Wao Tapu TheatThis article discusses the work of Māori theatre company Te Rākau Hua o Te Wao Tapu, and its approach to decolonising theatre in Aotearoa.
Nov 29, 2020THEATRE MARAE: Māori theatre pedagogy in researchTheatre Marae is a contemporary theatre practice unique to Aotearoa New Zealand, and this article outlines its application.
Aug 1, 2006The Theatre of Te Rakau Hua O Te Wao Tapu and the Politics of ChangeLegendary theatre persona, Alan Scott, analyses political factors surround Te Rākau Theatre's early work.